Trying to siphon off gamers, blockbusters turn dizzyingly, receiving alarming “negative” storms on Steam

in Game

Sometimes with just one wrong move, blockbusters and masterpieces from being popular and more successful than ever suddenly receive rejection and estrangement from the majority of gamers. And that is the case with Tekken 8 in the story below.


As one of the most anticipated fighting games, Tekken 8 itself had a spectacular debut. The game not only achieved success in terms of reputation but also brought huge revenue to distributor Bandai Namco when it sold more than 2 million copies in just the first month of launch. But over time, when this NPH himself felt that the above number was not enough and wanted to “extract” more from gamers, problems gradually arose.


Many people were surprised to learn that the overwhelming number of new negative reviews on Tekken 8's Steam page caused its recent rating to drop to an all-time low of 37%, thereby dragging down the title. This game falls very close to the “Mostly Negative” rating. While the total reviews since the game's release have remained relatively safe, the recent backlash from gamers is noticeable. The most important reason probably comes from dissatisfaction with the game's seasonal Battle Pass system when it continuously launches more money-making tools from gamers' wallets, especially when Tekken 8 itself forces players to You have to spend up to $70 to own this game. In addition, the fact that mods are banned because Bandai Namco is afraid of affecting the company's revenue is also what makes countless gamers angry.


Although he works hard to make money, this publisher seems to forget about fine-tuning the game, leading to countless big and small performance problems happening every day. Bandai Namco itself seems to be somewhat aware as it is trying to save its reputation through the launch of some DLC with new characters and content, but it will probably take a long time for Tekken 8 to find its way back. received the same rating as before. chn

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