Swordmaster's Youngest Son Chapter 111 release date and more

in Manga

Fans are very excited because Swordmaster's youngest Chapter 111 will be released soon. We see Jin realize how innocent Yona is despite her murderous nature. He even wants Yona to retire and focus on selling flowers.

Release date of Swordmaster's Youngest Son Chapter 111

Manga Swordmaster's Youngest Son Chapter 111 is scheduled to release on May 12, 2024, at 12 am KST.

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Summary of chapter 110

In the previous chapter of Swordmaster's youngest Son, we see Yona and Jin joking and walking under the moonlight. That's when they arrived at the beautiful blue rose field.

This is also Yona's favorite because it won't die even if you step on it. She gave some roses as a gift to Jin. That's when Jin realized that in his previous life, someone also gave him blue roses as a gift.

He really likes Yona and wants to know more about her life here. We also learn that Yona even tried to kill the unknown king when she was just 14 years old.

Swordmaster's Youngest Son Chapter 111Swordmaster's youngest son/ Source: Kakao Page


She was even scolded by him and even after that she tried harder but always failed. But now Yona thinks she can do it.

Jin reveals that she is more suited to be a florist than a murderer. He even asked her to study flowers from now on. Jin even promised to open a store in his territory.

Yona then goes on a mission and Jin goes to see Sir Owl.

Promise as flag bearer

Although there are some concerns, Mr. Owl is still satisfied that everything is fine now. Even Dante and Veradin are safe.

Jin told him that he could delay for 5 years until Yona could return to her family. Both Jin and Sir Owl feel the same way towards her. She's not suited to killing, she's just good at it.

Jin thinks she will become a good florist and that's what she should do after she retires. At the end of the chapter, a week later we see Kashmere meeting Jin's father and Mr. Owl.

Where fans can read Swordmaster's Youngest Son Chapter 111

Fans and readers can only read the Swordmaster's youngest 111 manga on Kakao and Tapas Pages.

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