Not Sting or “Bu Huc”, this is the water that gamers love the most

in Game

In a recent survey by IGN, when asked about their favorite drink when playing intense games, the majority of gamers chose “filtered water” or “mineral water” as indispensable.

Not Sting or

35.1% of gamers said they only want to drink pure filtered water every time they play games. Filtered water (or mineral water) helps the body cool down, stay awake and is not harmful to health.

The 2nd position on this list belongs to Soda and carbonated water, accounting for 20.1%. Carbonated drinks that gamers love include Sting, Coca, Pessi…

The third position is quite surprising when it belongs to Beer and alcoholic beverages (accounting for 19.8%). This type of drink does not seem to be popular with the Vietnamese gaming community.


Energy drinks ranked fourth with 13.4%. Some popular energy drinks among gamers include Red Bull, Monster, Sting…

Notably, up to 11.2% of gamers surveyed said they even like to drink alcohol while playing games. This number is more than fruit juice or smoothies.

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