KonoSuba Season 3 Episode 3 – A Leisurely Life

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Whether it's KonoSuba Season 3 episode 3 or episode 56, it's comforting that there's something in this world that will always make it great. Let it be crude, let it be slightly off-center and let it be crude. Some people need that in life. It's that dark humor that gets us through the day. And after being literally kidnapped, all Kazuma is doing is spreading dark humor as he settles into his newfound life of luxury.

We often talk about putting ourselves in other people's shoes. But the reality is that no matter how open-minded you are, it's not possible unless you've lived in a similar situation. And even then, the same experience means very different things to one person and affects each person differently. While Kazuma realizes that he cannot understand where Iris is coming from, seeing her so preoccupied by things he considers mundane endears him. Gently urging her to try what he was recalling, he stopped when he realized that for someone in her position—that was a tall order.

The wasted days of the Axel adventurers

Alas, the time came for Kazutrash to leave with a call — but he didn't cry. Kazuma knows he will return one day. But Iris is a cunning loli. And just as he is about to return to his stressful life in Axel, she hits him with a phrase that would shut down any NEET, “oni-chan”. With just that one phrase, Kazuma welcomes his regal side and stays at the castle, unofficially becoming Iris's playmate. When the days become as gentle and warm as mochi baked in a campfire, one would think that Kazuma has made his life. But life cares little about our comfort. And when Kazutrash hatches a dastardly plot to sexually harass his maid, Lalatina bursts into his room to belittle his moral deviancy.

To Kazuma's dismay, Lalatina convinced Iris that he needed to be taken away. He may be a fool, but he is a competent fool. His people need him, but at least he won't go home empty-handed—Iris will host a dinner in his honor. Poor Kazutrash, however, was a latecomer to his own party. His only moment in the spotlight is when he rescues Lalatina from an uncomfortable matchmaking moment and gets attacked by her as a thank you.

Hear me out because I've been thinking about this for a while. Darkness can easily overpower Kazuma even if he uses the drainage touch, but she has several characteristics that make her prone to mistakes. I bet Aqua's 1-gallon tub of bath water that if Kazuma bit Darkness's shoulder when she attacked him, she would never flick him with her fingers again.

Konosuba Season 3 Episode 3 – Goodbye and ending

As the night ends and Kazuma retreats to quieter areas, he and Iris have a touching heart-to-heart. Reviewers tend to focus heavily on the big moments and flashy artwork. But quiet conversations like these are often overlooked, and it's a shame. For many of us, small moments like these are the most meaningful. Twice in my life, I have been proposed to. Rarely do I remember and smile. One time, however, I shared Piero's Pizza and a beer with a homeless guy in a tunnel in Chicago as he told me what it was like to fight in Afghanistan. I think about that moment at least three times a week with a grin and joy in my heart. It's rare to have a sincere, BS-free conversation when someone bares their soul to you. Portraying these moments fully is even more difficult.

But in that tender moment, Kazuma found a way to keep his life leisurely. He just needs to catch an elusive thief. Seeing as how he took down the generals in the Demon King's army, this should have been an easy task to do. However, just think back to the scene where Chris steals his magic mallet and you'll understand. However, despite his best plans, Kazuma and his gang cannot stay at the castle and enjoy a life of luxury. They are being pushed towards an old enemy. The proof is that life sucks and then you die.

Screenshot via Crunchyroll
© Natsme Akatsuki, Kurone Mishima/KADOKAWA/KonoSuba Production Committee

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