Chainsaw Man Chapter 165: Is Nayuta really dead?

in Manga

Denji faces the devastated house with the rescuers. Nayuta's absence only seemed to make his search more intense. Learn more in Chainsaw Man Chapter 165.

Chainsaw Man Chapter 165: Is Nayuta really dead?

Denji must face the heartbreaking reality of his flattened home after finally being freed from the facility, with Asa, Fami, and the rest of his rescuers in tow. Nayuta's whereabouts are unknown, leaving Denji to search desperately among the ruins. As the search for Nayuta continues, Chainsaw Man Chapter 165 The upcoming release promises to unravel the mystery of her fate.

Chainsaw Man Chapter 165: Release date and where to read

Chainsaw Man Chapter 165 scheduled for release on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 12:00 a.m. JST. This means Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at approximately 8am PT / 11am ET / 3pm GMT. Please note that exact release times may vary depending on individual time zones.

Like the previous Chapters, fans can read it Chainsaw Man Chapter 165 on Shueisha's official platforms, including MANGAPlus, Viz Media and the Shonen Jump+ mobile app. Be sure not to miss the next exciting Chapter of Chainsaw Man, full of sadness, humor and unexpected twists.

Expected plot of Chainsaw Man Chapter 165

In Chainsaw Man Chapter 165, we could see more of Denji's chaotic emotions, especially if he discovers Nayuta's lifeless body among the ashes left behind of his house. Denji's grief and anguish will be evident as he grapples with the devastating loss of his friends and family. Denji's sadness will likely increase as he accepts that Nayuta could have died just to save him.

Meanwhile, Asa and Yoru, attracted by Denji's anguish, will likely investigate further, which could lead them to discover Nayuta's true identity as the Control Demon. On the contrary, we can detect in Chainsaw Man Chapter 165 that Nayuta is alive and well. However, this remains to be seen.

Chainsaw Man Chapter 164 summary

Titled Charred Remains, Chainsaw Man Chapter 164 describes Denji's anguish over Nayuta's whereabouts. This Chapter picks up where the last Chapter left off after Yoru and Katana Man kicked him. Painful, Denji firmly pressed the group for information about Nayuta's location. Unaware of Nayuta's identity, Yoru tries to 'wake him up' by pulling his string, but Denji stops her, saying that he will fight her as long as he can confirm Nayuta is innocent. What's wrong? When Asa regained control of her body, she asked Denji what happened.

The group then begins the somber journey to Denji's razed house, now reduced to charred ruins. Haruka solemnly informed Denji that their efforts would be in vain if Nayuta was not found among the rubble. Unresponsive, Denji quietly sifted through the debris, clinging to hope. Yoru harshly tells him to give up hope, that Nayuta may have died due to armed attackers. Refusing to accept this grim reality, Denji persists in his search.

Asa appears again and offers him comfort, potentially creating empathy similar to that of Denji during her ordeal. Frustrated by her inconsistent behavior in Chainsaw Man Chapter 164, when she one minute hurt him and the next attempts to comfort him, Denji rejected her. Asa's attempt to cheer Denji up with a promise to return to normalcy fails when Denji refuses to embrace his Chainsaw persona. Fami speculates that Denji's depression stems from hunger, causing Denji's stomach to growl.

Aware of his hunger, Asa offered to buy any food he wanted to eat. He first said he didn't want anything, then changed his mind and asked for sushi, knowing that Asa didn't like it. When she rejected the idea, she was met with contempt from Katana Man. Chainsaw Man Chapter 164 ends as Denji continues his search. He mumbled sushi again while Asa's frustration grew and the rest of the group looked on in silent pity.

For more updates on Nayuta's fate in Chainsaw Man, stay tuned to AnimeZ.

*Release dates and times provided are accurate at the time of writing and may change depending on circumstances and creators.


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